Foodie Club Christmas Party with Kraft Eden theme “Sarap Ng Pasko” Set for Dec 1

It’s NomNom Foodie Club‘s first Christmas together and what most fitting activity to celebrate the holiday but with the traditional Filipino culture of a Christmas Party!

To be held at the first day of the last month of the year, this Christmas foodie party will indeed start the Christmas month symbolically.

Geiser Maclang

Geiser Maclang

The theme of our NomNom Foodie Club Christmas Party is “Sarap ng Pasko,” in recognition of our food and venue sponsor Kraft Eden Cheese‘s Christmas campaign “Sarap ng Pasko.” This was also made possible with the support of GeiserMaclang.

It will be held at the Kraft Eden Cheese Keso de Gallo Christmas Tree area and platform installation in front of Gerry’s Grill and IMAX theater entrance on the first floor of SM Mall of Asia.

In support of this campaign, we would like to encourage you to promote “Sarap ng Pasko” by simply posting in your Facebook walls any and at least one of the following links from November 27November 30 (specifying that the deadline of voting is Dec 1, 2010):

Kraft Eden Cheese's "Sarap Ng Pasko"

Kraft Eden Cheese's "Sarap Ng Pasko"

In your Faceboook wall, make sure to tag ‘@’ ‘NomNomClub’ or ‘@’ ‘Yummy Manila.’

If you are a blogger, you also have the option to blog about Kraft Eden Cheese’s “Sarap ng Pasko” campaign. Best blog gets a special prize from Kraft Eden during the party.

Soo what are you waiting for NomNom Foodie Club members? Simply email your link/s to admin AT with the link of your Facebook wall post and you are automatically registered to the Christmas party. Due to the limited space of the venue, we can only accept the first 50 (out of 100+) NomNom Foodie Club members to submit. You will receive a confirmation email a day after your submission if you are part of the first 50.

Please bring a monito-monita gift worth NOT MORE than P50 for your mystery monito-monita. 🙂

Here is the program flow for the Christmas Party:
0600 p – Registration and Dinner
0630 p – Short Introdution & Game
0700 p – Raffle Set 1 + Word from Kraft Eden Cheese
0730 p – NomNom Club 2010 and Plans for 2011 + Monito- Monita
0800 p – Raffle Set 2 & Closing Ceremonies

Some NomNom Foodie Club members during the 1st Anniversary Celebration at Greenwich SM North

Some NomNom Foodie Club members during the 1st Anniversary Celebration at Greenwich SM North

Raffle Prizes would include Christmas Packs and other items
Special Prizes:

  • Best Monito-Monita Gift under P51
  • Best Christmassy attire/costume that best embodies the theme of “Sarap ng Pasko”
  • Best Blog post on Kraft Eden’s “Sarap ng Pasko” campaign.

What: “Sarap ng Pasko” NomNom Foodie Club Christmas Party
When: Decemeber 01, 2010 (Wednesday)
Where: SM mall of Asia – Kraft Eden Cheese Christmas Tree area & platform (near Gerry’s Grill & Starbucks MOA)


  • FB wall post for “Sarap ng Pasko” campaign AND P50 Monito-Monita Gift.
  • Email your links to This serves as your official registration for the party llimited to first 50 members.

Sarap Ng Pasko

Sarap Ng Pasko

Merry Christmas indeed! See you soon at the NomNom Foodie Club Christmas Party with Kraft Eden Cheese‘s “Sarap Ng Pasko.”

On Halal Food Products

Being a non-Muslim, I am guilty of not really knowing enough Halal foods, or which products are Halal certified and the likes. Perhaps I didn’t care enough about it then.

But being a travel and foodie blogger, I would eventually come across Muslim communities and it would be truly helpful for me to know their culture and food practices including observation of Halal certified products of which this article is going to be about.

Wikipedia says that Halal is an Arabic term pertaining to food permissible according to Islamic law. The Muslim’s religion – Islam, implements laws that indicate which foods can or cannot be eaten based on their perception of ‘clean‘ animals. This include proper ways of slaughtering an animal for consumption. In general, the Muslims don’t consume anything with pork or the derivatives thereof.

Halal Food Products

Halal Food Products

You might want to check this Halal products guide. As mentioned earlier, I never really knew which products are Halal or otherwise and it caught me by surprise that there so many common-day products around us which are actually halal certified.

Some of the featured Halal food products are Skyflakes, Eden Cheese, Lucky Me Pansit Canton, Argentina corned beef, Fiorgelato ice cream, and Tang powdered juice.

“It aims to provide updated information to folks interested in purchasing Halal certified products. Links are provided directly to the company website for further information.” according to the website’s about page. Also, get updated on Halal certified food and products in Facebook.

It is indeed good to know about this new site serves as a repository Halal certified food just like a Halal food guide.