Tuna Pasta Salad Recipe w/ San Marino

My wife loves cooking pasta dishes. She makes sure to cook a pasta dish at least once a week.

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La Piadina: Italian Beyond Pizza and Pasta

In the Philippines, pizza and pasta would surely compose a foodie’s imagination when we think of Italian restaurants. But for La Piadina, it goes beyond that.

I Crostini

I Crostini

I was able to taste some of their specials during lunch when we visited the newly opened La Piadina in Glorietta 4.

We started our set with La Minestra di Zucca (P160) and I Crostini with liver and tuna pate (P230). The former is a homemade-style pumpkin soup with garlic bread. Good starters for what are yet to come.

It was followed by “I Cappellaci,”(P300) ravioli pasta. Now, it’s no secret that ravioli is my favorite pasta. But the one I blogged about before had meat inside as filling. This one from La Piadina has pumpkin and ricotta cheese.

I Cappellaci - Ravioli Pasta

I Cappellaci - Ravioli Pasta

Ravioli Pasta

Ravioli Pasta

Le Piadine

Le Piadine

At first, my curiosity was piqued as to how it would taste like. To my surprise, it was a good change. It tasted so fresh. And although it was a complete turnaround from my meat-based ravioli, it was almost as satisfying!

Since you’re in La Piadina, might as well not miss Le Piadine. It’s a variation of Piadina which is a flat, soft, homemade bread usually served warm and originated from the region of Emilia Romagna in Italy.

Next came the main dish Il Trancio di Tonno alle Spezie (P370top photo ) . As complicated as it may sound, this is seared tuna fillet seasoned with herbs served with baked potato on foil and mixed green salad on the side. The tuna meat had an admirable fine and soft texture. A good and healthy meal indeed!

La Piadina Linguini

La Piadina Linguini - Le Linguine ai Funghi Con Olio di Tartufo

Le Linguine ai Funghi Con Olio di Tartufo (P320) came next. The name is as long as its flat pasta. I find the fresh mix of mushroom, light cream and truffle oil just right for this linguine.

Risotto Scampi

Risotto Scampi - Il Risotto al Pesto con Scampi

And finally, the Il Risotto al Pesto con Scampi (P340) came out. Funny enough, this is only my second time to had risotto as part of my meal. Risotto is an Italian-style rice. In La Piadian’s version, it is cooked in Pesto sauce with fresh shrimps and parmesan cheese.

Chef Giorgio Matera

Chef Giorgio Matera

Chef Giorgio Matera shared that preparing risotto is both hard and tricky. Hard because there’s a lot of processes involved and tricky because it should be made just right – not dry, but not too moist like that of a porridge (lugaw) either.

La Piadina Red Wine

La Piadina Red Wine

He adds that La Piadina doesn’t have a microwave oven – because dishes are cooked and prepared upon order only. They don’t reheat just to save on cost and focuses more on quality. In a world filled with fast food chains, it’s good to know that we as consumers still have options for freshly made dishes, just like our home cooked meals.

La Piadina (La Cucina Regionale Italiana) is the full service and enlosed counterpart of smaller Piadina Passion Food restaurants. Visit them at the 2nd Floor of Glorietta 4, Ayala Center, Makati, open everyday from 11am to 10pm. You may call 501-3788 for reservations.

La Piadina Italian Restaurant in Glorietta 4, Makati

La Piadina Italian Restaurant in Glorietta 4, Makati

Chef Matera‘s passion for cooking and preparing Italian dishes is obvious. It was heartwarming of him to prepare it with care, and even mind the minor details. He says that it should be the way Italian cuisine should be cooked – with fresh ingredients and no compromise. I think this is actually the key to La Piadina‘s authentic Italian cuisine taste.