Diet with Exercise
Onwards to the third week of my “Healthier Me” journey, the C-lium-based breakfast diet continues as I took it every morning with my drink. Now it’s time to focus and learn more things about fiber and its association in losing weight. Allow me to share some interesting facts about fiber from clium.com.ph.
Here are some fiber facts:
Fiber promotes healthy digestion
As I have mentioned in a previous article. One of the major and immediately visible effects of taking C-lium fiber is a regular and comfortable bowel movement. More than just making your visit to the toilet more regular and consistent, you would notice a softer stool (pardon the graphic description). 🙂
Moving on, the site also mentions that a high-fiber diet helps reduce the risk of digestive track related diseases.

Fiber for healthy digestion
Fiber helps reduce the risk of heart disease
The C-lium website indicates that fiber has the ability to bind with bile acids, which is effective in absorbing fats. These then demand more bad cholesterol to be converted to bile acids and are excreted.
The explanation is actually a bit technical for me, but somehow we do get the picture.:)
Sources of fiber include a cereal drink like the new Milo Overload, apples, oatmeal, brown rice, and of course, C-lium Fibre whose one sachet serving gives the most fiber! 🙂

C-Lium FIber Health Journal and Exercise Tips

Fiber Sources
Daily Fiber Requirements
We always hear about marketers and encouraging words from heath gurus about how good fiber is for our health.
But just how much fiber do we actually need or should have?
For good health, an average of 25-35 grams of fiber daily is the recommended dosage. However, a regular individual usually only consumes about 15 grams of fiber per day.
Here are some tips on how to increase your fiber intake:
- For breakfast, having a slice of wheatbread is a good start!
- Eat fruits
- Include more clean raw vegetables, salads, and greens with your meals
- Eat brown rice instead of white!
- Add a sachet or tablespoon of C-lium in your daily fiber intake.
*Fiber facts and iformation  source: C-Lium Website

What’s Your Fiber Diet?