Nomnom Club’s Thank You Day Photo Contest Finalists

Woot! Thank you to all who participated in my Thank You Day Photo Contest Promo a few weeks ago! This is actually a back post as I was very busy lately. Nonetheless, the 5 Nomnom Club finalists and winners are:

  • Thank You Mama! by
  • “I am doing this for Mama, this is how I will show my love for her. She doesn’t deserve any other disappointment. She only deserve happiness. So please God, MAKE THIS HAPPEN.”

  • How do you spread the sweetness of gratitude? by Mamuyac.Multiply
  • “I can’t find the right words to say to my baby Charles but “thank you” on how he made my life an exciting and worthy journey that it is today.”

  • An Entry … by
  • “I want the world to know how grateful I am to God for giving me such cool and loving parents.”

  • My Entry… by Misha
  • “I am thankful for my best friends who have always been there for me through the good times & the bad.”

  • Spread The Sweetness… by NextJam
  • “I’ll be showing you how to be appreciated through my passion in Toy Photography.”

    Thank You Day

I wish you guys the best and hopefully Toblerone would be able to select one of you in their top 3 winners from among all the finalists from the online community! Cheers!

Nonetheless, by being finlaists in my contest, all you five automatically receives Thank You Toblerone Gift Packs! You will be informed via email as to how to claim these items.

Thank you also to GeiserMaclang and Toblerone for hosting this contest.

For more information on the National Thank You Day, visit HERE

Capture the Sweetness of Gratitude Photo Contest

Nomnom is 1-week old! And for your support since 09-09-09, we are thankful! Thank You! 🙂

Nov.12 UPDATE: Check the winners here!

With the upcoming National Thank You Day on October 20 November, 2009, NomnomClub, with the support of Toblerone and GeiserMaclang, is sponsoring a “Thank You” themed online photo contest for Nomnom readers. 🙂

  1. Thank You Day

    Thank You Day

    Simply submit a photo shot by you which answers ‘How do you spread the sweetness of gratitude?‘ (1 Photo is 1 entry).

  2. Upload your entries in your own sites (facebook, multiply, blogs). You may link to this blog contest entry.
  3. Post the link of your photo entries/article in the comments section below so I can check them out.
  4. Register in and post your photos in the gallery section as well. (read site competition mechanics).

It’s that simple!

This contest will run until OctNov.10. By OctNov.12, I will select my 5 winners who would each receive a TY kit.

The organizers would then choose their Top 3 from all who will submit in the website.

On October 15November, 2009, the Top 3 winners will be announced in and receive a Toblerone gift pack each. They will also be recognized during the TYDay awards 🙂

National Thank You Day with Toblerone and Nomnom

National Thank You Day with Toblerone and Nomnom

Lastly,  join Toblerone and Nomnom as we celebrate the National Thank You Day Awards on October 20 November 20, 2009 at the SM Mall of Asia Music Hall.

For more information on the National Thank You Day and Toblerone, visit HERE or the Thank You Day Philippines Facebook page here.