December 24th, 2012 — Affairs, Cravings, Cuisine, Filipino, Nomnom Loves, Recipes

Knorr Sinigang na Tilapia for Noche Buena
In a recent interview with the contestants of the MasterChef Pinoy edition, most of the participants agree that spaghetti is the number 1 food choice of Filipinos for Christmas. and I think it is true to my observation.
However, it doesn’t mean we will just settle with comfort food. We can always up the ante of our meals specially during Noche Buena (Christmas Eve feast) which is a special occasion for us Filipinos. One suggestion is the well-loved Filipino dish called Sinigang (Tamarind Soup).

In fact, we just had Sinigang na Tilapia for lunch earlier which my mom prepared using Knorr Sinigang sa Sampalok Mix. She prepared a lot so I know we’ll be seeing it again later for Noche Buena. 🙂
A steaming serving of the tamarind-base soup is enough to warm the heart and tummy especially during the cool evenings. Mom put in the traditional mix of tomatoes, kangkong, onion, pepper, and radish. The play of flavors found in a warm pot of Sinigang brings back fond memories with the family.

Knorr Sinigang sa Sampalok Mix
And to make the preparation less taxing, Knorr Sinigang is on hand to bring out the rich sinigang flavor in a convenient way. It is made from real sampalok and available in convenient sachet packs. It can also be mixed with pork or seafood together with gabi and other vegetables.
Holiday Season with Chef Marvin Agustin

Chef Marvin Agustin
Similarly, Chef Marvin Agustin makes sure that he goes the extra mile to offer something different yet definitely familiar to the Filipino palate. He uses leftover lechon as the main ingredient in making his classic sinigang.
“Everyone loves sinigang. We all grew up with it, and with a little creativity and a little help from Knorr Sinigang, you can have a winning dish for the holiday season,†Marvin concludes.

Knorr Sinigang Mix
February 21st, 2010 — Casual, Cravings, Makati, Ortigas, places, Restaurants, The Fort, Where To Eat
Whenever we’re on the rush, or on the go between meals, fastfood shops like Jollibee come into play. They are really a time-saver.

Jollibee 39ers - Beef with Mushroom
Aside from my all-time favorite quicky meal Jollibee Spaghetti, there are also the Jollibee 39ers. The sulit sarap meals are back with a vengeance. From the previous set meals, Jollibee made them better.
The first one is the new Beef with Mushrooms, with a hefty serving of delicious strips of beef complemented with mushrooms that goes well with steamed rice. Although there were times that there’s too much mushroom that it overshadows the beef strips. 🙂

Jollibee 39ers - Shanghai Rolls
The second one is the Shanghai rolls with rice, it’s now 5-pcs. of crispy Shanghai rolls! Add P10, and get a regular softdrink to go with these rice meals. A filling meal perfect for those on the go and on a tight budget. 🙂

Jollibee 39ers Sulit Sarap Meals
The Jollibee 39ers are available from Mondays thru Fridays in all Jollibee stores nationwide for dine-in, drive-thru and 8-7000 Jollibee Express Delivery.
October 31st, 2009 — Affairs, Casual, Cravings, Makati, Ortigas, places, Promos / Events, Restaurants, The Fort, Where To Eat
They rhyme! 🙂 Kidding aside, Jollibee’s Spaghetti has been my favorite fast food spaghetti because of it’s tendency to be sweeter than the usual spaghetti we know. Actually, it’s called the Filipino-style spaghetti – a sweet one.
To make it even sweeter, Jollibee launches its search for your Spaghettiest Moments with your family, friends and officemates!
Send in your pictures enjoying the Jollibee Spaghetti or any Jollibee Spaghetti value meal combination in any of the following categories:
- the happiest moments with your family
- the wackiest moments with your barkada
- the funniest moments with your officemates
Entries must include a one-line caption to describe the photo. An individual may submit a maximum of three entries, or one entry per category.
Entries may be submitted online at . Suppy your full name, residential address, email address and contact numbers.
You may also submit via snail mail. Entries should be placed inside a sealed short brown envelope containing one 4R photo entry and the corresponding details (caption and participant’s information) typewritten on a short bond paper. Mail to
30th Floor Tycoon Centre
Pearl Drive, Ortigas Center
1605 Pasig City

Jollibee Spaghettiest Moments Photo Contest
One winner in each category:
Family Prize Package
- a Jollibee family party package worth P7,000
- Jollibee gift certificates worth P5,000
- Sony digital photo frame.
Barkada Prize Package
- a Jollibee barkada party package worth P7,000
- Jollibee gift certificates worth P5,000
- Sony digital camera.
Officemates Prize Package
- a Jollibee officemates party package worth P7,000
- Jollibee gift certificates worth P5,000
- Sony photo printer
Deadline for the submission of entries is at midnight of November 22, 2009. You may check out

Jollibee Spaghetti Meals
Jollibee has also recently packaged the Jollibee Spaghetti into 3 set meals like Spaghetti Solo, Spaghetti and Chickenjoy, and Spaghetti and Yum.