Think About Your Drink
March 8th, 2014 — Beverage, Cravings
Smart C+ Everyday!
November 22nd, 2012 — Beverage, Cravings
I have loved the Smart C+ beverage since it first came out in the market. In fact, I already blogged about Smart C+ highlighting its Vitamin C content way back in 2011.

Smart C+ Everyday!
Until today, Smart C remains to be my favorite ready-to-drink juice. I like that it is not similar to the usual juices we have in the market nowadays which are just overly-hyped and overly sweet.
A few days ago, we got another surprise from Oishi  emphasizing Smart C+ as a healthy drink to boost the immune system for everyday drinking. It  is also the company’s first venture in the ready-to-drink category.
Slater Young of PBB
“…refreshing way to boost your immune system – Smart C+ Fruit Drink. With 500mg of Vitamin C in every 500ml bottle, you can cope with the daily demands of your life which then makes you unstoppable and ready whenever, wherever.“
They also introduced Slater Young, the latest Pinoy Big Brother Big Winner, as their newest celebrity endorser.

Smart C+
Smart C+ comes in three thirst-quenching flavors – Lemon Squeeze, Orange Crush, and Pomelo Grapefruit – the last one is my favorite!
One 500ml bottle’s 500mg Vitamin C is equivalent to either 11 lemons, 8 oranges, or 4 grapefruits! Vitamin C also enables the body to produce collagen, a protein essential to every cell of the body.
Moreover, Smart C+ contains no added preservatives, zero artificial coloring and zero artificial sweeteners. It also comes in 350 ml PET bottles and soon in 1 liter bottles. How about you, have you tried Smart C+?