Lulu De Castro, Greenwich Marketing Director, gives the welcome remarks
Anne Curtis has been a long time endorser of Greenwich Pasta, and together with Solenn Heuseff and Kelly Misa, they form the Greenwich Pasta Girls group!
Yesterday, in a media gathering, they proved Greenwich’s newest Spaghetti Supreme‘s catch-phrase “More is Better” by performing more-than-expected dares with the media and male host-DJs Chico Garcia and Gino of RX 93.1.
Solenn Heuseff exhibited her skills in make-up by giving an audience participant a make-over under 3 minutes. She also did a Solenn Heuseff signature catwalk (…and crawl). 🙂

Solenn Heuseff

Solenn Heuseff Make-Up Skills
Kelly Misa, on the other hand, showed her prowess in yoga in different poses and positions.

Kelly Misa

Kelly Misa Doing Yoga
And finally, in Anne Curtis’ turn, almost everyone would have already guessed what was her dare of proving ‘more is better‘ through nothing less than – singing (in a capella at that)!

Anne Curtis Smith
Anne Curtis sang “I Will Always Love You,” as shes said, ‘in her own version.’ 🙂
And since ‘more is better,’ one song cannot suffice. The crowd asked for ‘more.’
To which Anne surprisingly sang Adelle‘s “Rolling in the Deep.” Listen to the YouTube upload of our recorded video and roll deeply in your chair at home while listening! 🙂
Not letting her go, the crowd demanded ‘more.’ This time, Anne Curtis Smith proved her acting prowess by delivering the “I Want More” phrase in a multitude of different emotions.

More Anne Curtis...since 'More is Better' 🙂

Cookie Cabrera, PR & Corporate Affairs Manager, with the Greenwich Pasta Girls

The Greenwich Team led by Mr. Luis Velasco
Greenwich Spaghetti Supreme
Now if you’re wondering what this “More is Better” is all about, blame it on the new and improved Greenwich Spaghetti Supreme! The event highlighted the Greenwich Spaghetti Supreme with added 25% serving of noodles, more premium beef, and more sweet tomato sauce plus 1 stick of garlic bread. I’ve tried it and it was indeed more meaty and cheesier at only Php 49 and Php 59 with drink!

Brand Manager of Pasta Joanne Ingalia in Hot Seat with the Girls

Greenwich Pasta Girls: Solenn Heuseff, Anne Curtis, and Kelly Misa

Greenwich Spaghetti Supreme