Port View Seafood Restaurant in Kota Kinabalu

Port View Restaurant

Port View Restaurant

We visited Kota Kinabalu about a week ago for a travel blog-related activity. And on the first night, Sabah Tourism Board and Tourism Malaysia-Manila were kind enough to host our dinner together with some bloggers and Philippine print media including writers from Philippine Star, and Manila Standard, among others.

It was a Malaysian-seafood inspired dinner and honestly, their names were very hard to remember, not to mention that I was busy with the briefing about the matter at hand – backbacking in Kota Kiinabalu. 🙂

So allow me to simply share the photos  and basic names of the dishes we had. Enjoy!

Fried Squid (Calamares)

Fried Squid (Calamares)

Port View Seafood Restaurant

Port View Seafood Restaurant

Steamed Prawn

Steamed Prawn

Shrimp Salad

Shrimp Salad

Sabah Vegetabels (close to our 'Kangkong' but not leafy - more on trunks)

Sabah Vegetables (close to our 'Kangkong' but not leafy - more on trunks/stems)

This is a small octopus dish (yes, you read that right)

This is a small octopus dish (yes, you read that right)

Coconut Jelly

Coconut Jelly

It was actually a quick dinner at Port View Restaurant as we headed back to Gaya Center Hotel; where related stories here.

If you get to drop by Kota Kinabalu City in Sabah Malaysia,  you can find Port View Seafood Village at Lot 18 Waterfront Esplanade, Tun Fuad Stephens Road, Kota Kinabalu. (088) 221 753.

Malaysian Cuisines on November from My Kota Kinabalu Weekend

Yoyo Cafe

Yoyo Cafe

Whew, it has already been a week since my last food blog. This is mainly caused by my preparations even before my leave of absence which started Friday – I went to Kota Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia.

Yes, I just got back to the Philippines and is still fresh from the airport.

Ice Cream 'Potong'

Ice Cream 'Potong'

Before I proceed with the day, I would just like to let you know that I’m still alive and eating. 🙂 And due to my recent trip to Kota Kinabalu, expect a number of Malaysian cuisine features for the upcoming months of November and December.

It would be as varied as the Malaysian spices. From the traditional Nasi Lemak (top right photo) to the local Potong Ice Cream.

You’ll also be seeing the Kota Kinabalu versions of common place commercial food establishments like McDo and KFC; and from their local favorite Chicken Curry to Itik Instant noodles (top left photos).


Malaysian Menu

Malaysian Menu : Laksa, et al.

McDonald's Spicy McShaker

McDonald's Spicy McShaker

Malaysian Merienda: Rice Crispies, et al

Malaysian Merienda by Klias Riverside, Kota Kinabalu: Rice Crispies, et al

Above are some more of the teaser photos from our Kota Kinabalu food escapades and upcoming Malaysian Cuisines this November and December.