It has been a swift 5 years for NomNom Club. 4300+ Facebook followers, 1827 days, 463 posts, and 300 spoonfuls of challenges after, we’re still alive and eating!

NomNom Club Turns 5
Half A Dacade (Kalahating Dekada)
Since we started in 09-09-09, we continue to dedicate every foodie endeavor  to our blog readers. We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank all our supporters, subscribers, followers, likers, and commenters  in every article, status posts, contests, and tweets.
Add to that the sponsors, PR friends, and ad agencies who believes in NomNom Club and has made our experiences, both online and offline, richer and more fun.
The Next 5 Years
We made public about 2 months ago the start of some changes NomNom Club will be undergoing in our anniversary month. We’ve announced that the blog has opened up to contributors and staff writers.
In fact, today, we’re having the first contributor’s meet-up and lunch at Dekada Restaurant Historic Filipino Cuisine in Glorietta who has kindly sponsored the gathering with 6 of our 1st batch of contributors. Follow our Facebook updates today to know who they are! You can also check Dekada on their Facebook page

Dekada Glorietta
After 5 years, the website template of NomNom Club will also be changed into a mobile-friendly interface as we adopt with the times and increasing number of readers using mobile devices. The future is undoubtedly in mobile.
Moreover, a new logo will also be revealed within the anniversary month. It will be simpler, but more chic and representative of a food blog.
Anniversary Contest
Lastly, as a way of giving back to the foodie community, greetings for NomNom Club on Facebook tagging our FB page /NomNomClub, and those on Twitter @NomNomClubcom and Instagram using the hashtag #NomNomClubTurns5 will have the chance to win exciting prizes!
Contest duration starts today, September 9, and will last until September 30, 2014. Winners will be announced on October, 2014.

NomNom Club Anniversary Prizes
1 FB post with photo will be selected from Facebook to win Starbucks Philippines Gift Pack worth P1000 Â including merchandise + beverage coupon + gift certificate.
1 tweet will be selected through an electronic raffle to win an Angel’s Pizza gift certificate.
1 entry will be selected from Instagram to win P300 Jollibee gift certificates