My Favorite Starbucks Beverage is Back!

Starbucks recently brought back NomNom Club‘s favorite Starbucks beverage! We actually first tried the acai-based drink last year when it was first introduced.

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Recipes Made Healthier with Organique Acai

Organique Acai Premium Blend is a well-known heath food supplement in the wellness industry. Having the most potent antioxidant properties in the berry family, acai (ah-sah-ee) berries are small, dark purple berries that boosts the immune system and helps improve a lot of health-related problems.

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Organique Acai on Rated K, ABS-CBN

If you are an avid reader of NomNom Club, you might remember our feature on Organique Acai about two months ago. So I, together with my wife, were surprised last night while we were watching TV tuned in at Rated K of ABS-CBN – the Organique Acai Premium Blend product was featured.

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Starting my Organique Acai Berry Morning Routine

I’m in my mid-30s, and I have to admit, being and staying healthy is slowly climbing up in my personal list of concerns as an individual. It’s good that I have recently discovered Organique Acai Premium Blend.

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