My First Cooking Contest, And Chef Laudico is the Judge!

When Samsung Philippines invited NomNom Club to participate in the Samsung Cook-Off last week, I immediately said yes.


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The Samsung #GalaxyMega #NomNomClub Food-Photo Challenge Winner is….

It was an intense 7-Day food photo challenge as a total of almost 200 photo submissions tagging @SamsungPH & @JonelUy with the hashtags #GalaxyMega #FoodPorn and #NomNomClub were sent as entries for the Samsung Galaxy Mega Food Photo Challenge.

We observed that Instagram raked in the most number of photo uploads with almost 120 photos. Facebook and Twitter followed which sum up to almost  200 in total among the different social media channels in the first week of August.

Here is a photo collage I made from the 120++ Instagram photo entries.


Some of the 150++ Samsung #GalaxyMega #NomNomClub Food-Photo Challenge Instagram Entries

Some of the 150++ Samsung #GalaxyMega #NomNomClub Food-Photo Challenge Instagram Entries

A Word of Thanks

We would like to thank Samsung Mobile Philippines (@SamsungPH and @SamsungMobilePH) for sponsoring this blog contest with a Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 Duos unit as prize. NomNom Club have been using the Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 and has been extremely happy with the unit for almost three weeks now.

I have been shooting and uploading rich media content such as Instagram photos and Instagram videos, Facebook posts, and Twitter updates using the Mega smartphone. Add to that watching movies using the ClickPlay application – a true multimedia gadget indeed! 🙂

Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 Duos Winner

As per the choosing of the photos, it took us several days not only because of the 200 photos but because a lot of them were very good as well. After validation, there were 51 set of entries with at least 3 photos each who followed the requirements.

We were able to round it up to a few top entries including an entry which took the challenge beyond the 3 photos into a complete 7-day “Cook my own lunch” challenge by Kim. There was also an entry set of 5 photos in Instagram which was one of the top contenders with its rich color and great composition as submitted by Iana. There was even a mom-participant which featured her “Nanay Lunches” photos of healthy bento box by Lourdes.And lastly, there were Facebook Notes and status which added a story into it which made it a good read such as the one by Joy. (if only I could give away five Samsung Galaxy Mega Smartphones). Their story were so good I would even like to invite them to write for NomNom Club as contributors, What do you think? 🙂

However,  we had to select the best from the best entries and we had to choose only one. And without further delay, the winning set of photos is from Jenn Valmonte with her Facebook note entitled “Play With Food, Unleash the Creativity“.

“Play WIth Food”

You can see the three photo links from Twitter here:

Congratulations Ms. Jenniffer Valmonte for winning a box-sealed Samsung Galaxy Mega Smartphone 5.8!

All three photos had great composition, a hint of color, and played with light, producing a dramatic and impactful effect. It was more than a photograph of food, it was a story in itself that enamors your soul to know more about the image.

Invitation for all Participants to the Awarding

We are holding a simple awarding ceremony at Greenwich Pizza at the 2/F of  SM Megamall SM City North Edsa at 1pm August 20 22, 2013 where we will award the Samsung Galaxy Mega 5,8 Smartphone to the winner. All participants who submitted their entries at the comment section of the contest post are welcome to attend for free and the Greenwich pizza is on NomNom Club! We will also be giving away some tokens in a raffle for all the participant-attendees in the event. Kindly send an email to < admin AT > for headcount purposes until 12noon of August 20 21. See you!

Thank you to all participants and stay tuned for more giveaways from our sponsors. Continue to read and share your foodie thoughts in our articles’ comment section. You may also tag #NomNomClub in your social media posts and we’ll like/repost them when possible.

The Samsung #GalaxyMega 7-Day Food-Photo Challenge!

Are you a NomNom Club reader and a #foodie who likes to take photos and share them on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook? Did you know that the Samsung #GalaxyMega phablet‘s 8MP camera and smart settings can give you full creativity in making it a winning food shot?

Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8

Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8

Then you’re in for a treat as your creative skills in food photography can be rewarded with a brand new spanking Samsung #GalaxyMega with a 5.8″ large display for all the world to see and dual sim to boot worth about P16,990! See the detailed specs of the Samsung Galaxy Mega here.

What You Need to Do (Mechanics):

  1. Like and publicly share this post in your Facebook account and tag four of your friends including on FB so we can monitor.
  2. Since this is a gveaway for NomNomClub readers, you should be an email subscriber of NomNom Club. If you are not, you can enter your email here.
  3. Shoot 3 of your most creative food photos and publicly upload them on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook, or in ALL OF THEM within 7 days anytime from July 29 upto August 8, 2013. 
  4. Share your experience / adventure about the photo and include the hashtags #GalaxyMega #FoodPorn #NomNomClub and tag @SamsungPH and @JonelUy.
  5. Once you are done with all your 3 photo uploads or more, create a Facebook Note or Facebook Status with all your 3 URL links indicated with hashtags #GalaxyMega #NomNomClub and tag @SamsungPH, @NomNomClub, @JonelUy for judging on Aug 9-11, 2013.  Finally, post your Name, Email, and the URL link of your Facebook Note / Facebook Status at the comment section so we can contact you back in case you win. Yey!


The Gigantic California Chicken Burger from B&T Burritos & Tacos Restauerant

Awesome @SamsungPH #GalaxyMega shot of the California Chicken Burger frm B&T Resto! Join @JonelUy #FoodPorn #NomNomClub


  • A food photo is defined as a photo with food in the picture. This means you can make it a collage of small photos like the J.CO Philippines Donuts collage below or even a #selfie food photo shot like mine with the new Greenwich PIzza THINS.
J.CO Dounts Philippines

The #box of J.CO Donuts would surely fit in my future @SamsungPH #GalaxyMega large screen! #Merienda #Sweets #@JonelUy #NomNomClub Join

NEw Greenwich Pizza THINS w/endorser John Lloyd

#SELFIE shot with Greenwich Pizza THINS & @SamsungPH #GalaxyMega ! #NomNomClub @JonelUy #FoodPorn

Document your #FOODPORN with travel like this Pinikpikan Manok from Sagada!

Pinikpikan Manok #lunch in #Sagada!  Hoping to have my @Samsung #GalaxyMega soon. Join @JonelUy #FoodPorn #NomNomClub

Starbucks' heart-shaped Salami  & Cheese on Marbled Rye Bread

I <3 @SamsungPH #GalaxyMega’s smart editing tools. Join @JonelUy, pls feature @OfficialStarbucksPH Salami & Cheese on Marbled Rye Bread #NomNomClub #FoodPorn


  • You can submit different sets of 3 photos for each of the social networks IG,TW, and FB (but only 1 photo set from each social network). This means you can send a maximum of 3 photoset entries and get more chances of winning!

Winner of Samsung #GalaxyMega

The most creative set of 3 photos with minimal photo-editing would be chosen and announced through a blogpost in anytime from August 9 to 12, 2013. The judges decision within bounds of the mechanics is final.

  • Although this contest is open to anyone in the Philippines, the winner should be able to claim the prize in any SM Mall in Metro Manila where the meetup and prize turnover would happen a few days after the announcement.
Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8

Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 Giveaway:

Take the Samsung Galaxy Mega 7-Day Food-Photo Challenge and bring home the Samsung #GalaxyMega smartphone!

Samsung’s Microwave Oven Wins Anti-bacterial Certification

Samsung microwave was recently awarded the prestigious Hohenstein certification. Samsung Electronics became the first in the world to receive a microwave certification mark for anti-bacterial technology.



The ceramic enamel cavity found in a Samsung microwave does not come off. It does not turn rusty or crack either, thus preventing it from becoming dirty.

Moreover, the ceramic enamel cavity prevents bacteria from proliferation and does not discolorate in high temperatures.

Hohenstein QLabel Antibacterial on Samsung

Hohenstein QLabel Antibacterial on Samsung

The Hohenstein Institute is an internationally recognized research and service center for hygiene and biotechnology in Germany. They tested Samsung’s microwave oven and validated its anti-bacterial performance leading to Samsung’s microwave oven accreditation having added anti-bacterial agents to the ceramic enamel cavity.

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) acknowledged the same and ensured a “level of durability that is at least 7.5 times higher than iron plate to which epoxy coating is applied.”

“Our antibacterial ceramic enamel cavity is created the way pottery is produced. We apply antibacterial porcelain enamel that is produced in high temperatures…to the inside of a microwave. The result is a high-class material that has a smooth, shiny surface like that of a piece of pottery. We’re the only company in the world to have such a feature in microwave ovens,” said Mr. Chang Wan Hong, executive vice president of the Samsung Digital Appliances business.

Samsung Microwave Oven

Samsung Microwave Oven

Samsung Electronics, being the world’s first to win such a recognition on anti-bacterial certification, further intends to apply the same antibacterial technology to all its microwave product groups for consumer health and safer cooking.

Samsung Microwave Oven & Shares the Love!

Happy Hearts’ Day! Samsung Microwave Oven, in coordination with, shares the love to everyone today – Valentine’s Day. We are holding a contest giving away – a brand new Samsung Microwave Oven!

The Samsung Microwave Oven AMW 83E-SB model is great for home usage with its Rapid Defrost and Triple Distribution System features. It also has an angled control panel for effective viewing, child lock,  and LED Display. It is available in color silver at an SRP of P4, 595.

 Samsung Microwave Oven

Samsung Microwave Oven

Contest Mechanics

1. At the wall of NomNom Club Facebook Page, post a creative photo of a person holding a written message “I Love Samsung Microwave Oven and!” This could be an artwork or simply written on a bond paper (up to you). Just make sure that the message is clearly seen in the photo.

2. Put this caption for the photo that you should complete:

I Love Samsung Microwave Oven & because___________________________________.

Join this contest as well at

3. Register your Name, FB Profile URL, and email address at this link:

You may also get free articles in your email inbox by signing up here.

4. The TOP Photo with the most number of UNIQUE COMMENTS by 11:59pm February 27, 2011 will win the brand new Samsung Microwave Oven AMW 83E-SB model worth almost P5,000!

It’s that simple!

Contest Duration: Feb 14 – Feb 27 , 2011
The winner will be announced on March 6, 2011 after counting and verification of all the entries.
* Comments can be of any form (ie: “awesome”). Unique comments means the same person/ FB profile commenting 15 times is only counted as one. We use a system to filter duplicate comments during the judging/verification.

*Corrected mechanics 12nn Feb 27, 2011.

Samsung Microwave Oven AMW83E-SB

Samsung Microwave Oven AMW83E-SB

I’ve always associated the brand of Samsung with quality and durability. And with the introduction of Samsung Microwave Oven in the Philippine market, you can expect the same. If only I can join this contest myself. 🙂

Sarap ng Pasko & NomNom Foodie Club Christmas Party

It was NomNom Foodie Club‘s first ever Christmas party! It was held last December 1, 2010 in SM Mall of Asia at Kraft‘s Sarap ng Pasko Christmas platform near SM IMAX. Food and venue sponsor was Kraft Eden Cheese and made possible with GeiserMaclang.

NomNom Club Christmas Party

NomNom Club Christmas Party

I wasn’t really planning to have a Christmas party for the foodie club this year since we just celebrated NomNom Club’s first anniversary with Greenwich last August and a thanksgiving party last October when NomNom Club won in the Emerging Influential Blogs for 2010. However, when Kraft started their “Sarap ng Pasko” campaign, I thought it was a very fitting theme for the foodie club Christmas party since it was about food and Christmas as well. And hence, through GeiserMaclang, the proposal for Kraft Eden went through.

To share what transpired in the event, I believe the best way to narrate is through visual photos which shows how much the participants – NomNom Foodie Club members and guests – enjoyed the event. 🙂

Kraft Eden Cheese Inspired Dishes

Kraft Eden Cheese Inspired Dishes

Traditional Exchange Gift

We first had dinner and some socialization among the members and guests. it was followed by the exchange-gift-giving where each one of the attendees were required to bring a P50 simple gift. It was drawn similar to a raffle system. The best gift within the prize range of P50 was also given an extra prize.

Exchange Gift / Gift Giving

Exchange Gift / Gift Giving

Raffle Draw with  Samsung Microwave Oven Grand Prize

Joy Ramos, Samsung Microwave Oven Winner

Joy Ramos, Samsung Microwave Oven Winner

It was followed by the main raffle where Samsung donated the major raffle prize -  Samsung Microwave Oven. Other prize donors included GeiserMaclang for the Havaianas slippers, and Angel’s Pizza Pasta for the gift certificates. Major winners were Ms. Joy Ramos who won the top prize and Ms. Ryan Joson who got the Havs slippers. Other raffle items included a Sunpiology Piolo Pascual Planner for 2011, gift certificates, and branded tokens.

Round 2 of Raffle Draw

Because I wanted everyone not to go home empty-handed, I brought around 50 raffle prizes for  the online registrants which reached about 50 as well, but since the actual attendees were only about 40, the excess prizes were given away on a raffle draw round 2. So some got two raffle prizes. 🙂

Christmas Party Raffle

Christmas Party Raffle

Subdomain Service and Food Tour

In closing, GeiserMaclang had a message of thanks for the crowd and gave away Manny PacquiaoAlaxan shirts to everyone for pickup at their Makati office. I also thanked everyone for a fruitful year and revealed NomNom’s plans for 2011 including a paid subdomain service (ie: which includes a number of free services for the clients. We are also targeting for a food tour for summer or the second year anniversary.

More Photos - NomNom Foodie Club

More Photos - NomNom Foodie Club

Thank you again to our main sponsor Kraft Eden Cheese who had a similar successful “Sarap ng Pasko” campaign, to GeiserMaclang,and  to Samsung for the major raffle giveaway of a Samsung Microwave Oven.

Venue and Sponsors

Venue and Sponsors

Merry Christmas from NomNom Club!

Merry Christmas from NomNom Club!

Thank you to all the readers, subscribers, and members of the NomNom Foodie Club! Belated Merry Christmas and a fruitful, yummy, and nomnom-y new year this coming 2011!