Samsung microwave was recently awarded the prestigious Hohenstein certification. Samsung Electronics became the first in the world to receive a microwave certification mark for anti-bacterial technology.

The ceramic enamel cavity found in a Samsung microwave does not come off. It does not turn rusty or crack either, thus preventing it from becoming dirty.
Moreover, the ceramic enamel cavity prevents bacteria from proliferation and does not discolorate in high temperatures.

Hohenstein QLabel Antibacterial on Samsung
The Hohenstein Institute is an internationally recognized research and service center for hygiene and biotechnology in Germany. They tested Samsung’s microwave oven and validated its anti-bacterial performance leading to Samsung’s microwave oven accreditation having added anti-bacterial agents to the ceramic enamel cavity.
The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) acknowledged the same and ensured a “level of durability that is at least 7.5 times higher than iron plate to which epoxy coating is applied.”
“Our antibacterial ceramic enamel cavity is created the way pottery is produced. We apply antibacterial porcelain enamel that is produced in high temperatures…to the inside of a microwave. The result is a high-class material that has a smooth, shiny surface like that of a piece of pottery. We’re the only company in the world to have such a feature in microwave ovens,†said Mr. Chang Wan Hong, executive vice president of the Samsung Digital Appliances business.

Samsung Microwave Oven
Samsung Electronics, being the world’s first to win such a recognition on anti-bacterial certification, further intends to apply the same antibacterial technology to all its microwave product groups for consumer health and safer cooking.
Happy Hearts’ Day! Samsung Microwave Oven, in coordination with, shares the love to everyone today – Valentine’s Day. We are holding a contest giving away – a brand new Samsung Microwave Oven!
The Samsung Microwave Oven AMW 83E-SB model is great for home usage with its Rapid Defrost and Triple Distribution System features. It also has an angled control panel for effective viewing, child lock, and LED Display. It is available in color silver at an SRP of P4, 595.

Samsung Microwave Oven
Contest Mechanics
1. At the wall of NomNom Club Facebook Page, post a creative photo of a person holding a written message “I Love Samsung Microwave Oven and!” This could be an artwork or simply written on a bond paper (up to you). Just make sure that the message is clearly seen in the photo.
2. Put this caption for the photo that you should complete:
“I Love Samsung Microwave Oven & because___________________________________.
Join this contest as well at “
3. Register your Name, FB Profile URL, and email address at this link:
You may also get free articles in your email inbox by signing up here.
4. The TOP Photo with the most number of UNIQUE COMMENTS by 11:59pm February 27, 2011 will win the brand new Samsung Microwave Oven AMW 83E-SB model worth almost P5,000!
It’s that simple!
Contest Duration: Feb 14 – Feb 27 , 2011
The winner will be announced on March 6, 2011 after counting and verification of all the entries.
* Comments can be of any form (ie: “awesome”). Unique comments means the same person/ FB profile commenting 15 times is only counted as one. We use a system to filter duplicate comments during the judging/verification.
*Corrected mechanics 12nn Feb 27, 2011.

Samsung Microwave Oven AMW83E-SB
I’ve always associated the brand of Samsung with quality and durability. And with the introduction of Samsung Microwave Oven in the Philippine market, you can expect the same. If only I can join this contest myself.