The Verdict on C-Lium Lose More, Live More Journey

Medicard Clinic Makati

Medicard Clinic in Makati

Five weeks, 35 sachets of C-lium Fibre, and one Crossfit session after, I’m still alive; and healthier too! 🙂

September 7 came when we had to undergo the second blood test and stress test at the Medicard clinic in Makati  The activity intends to measure the results and difference from whence we started to include C-Lium Fibre in our diet as part of the ‘C-Lium  Lose More Live More Journey. To get accurate results, we had a light dinner the night before of the Laboratory examination ( 10–12  hours fasting ).

We had a weigh-in followed by a nutrition  assessment and counselling.



Nutrition Assessment: Lost 2 lbs, lost 2 inches from waist, light diet

Nutrition Assessment: Lost 2 lbs, lost 2 inches from waist, light diet @ 2200 kcal/day

Regular Exchanges of Food / Day

Regular Exchanges of Food / Day

Treadmill Stress Test

All was going smooth but I was already in a hurry during my Treadmill Stress Test because I had an academic class to catch by noon somewhere in Quezon City. My students were waiting for me as I am also an IT instructor, aside from being a social media consultant and blogger.

The tests were the same as before where the treadmill started at a slow pace whose speed gradually increase in time. The incline also increased as the test progressed while a medical doctor observes on the side. (top photo)

Treadmill Stress Test

Treadmill Stress Test

Blood Serum

Blood Serum

Blood Test Results

A few days later, I got the blood test results.

In summary, the general outcome of my blood test were well within the normal ranges. The highlight of which was that I lost about 2 more pounds from the initial 63.4 kilos a month ago.

Little did they know that I have a belly problem (love handles). It’s getting some mass and I want my 6-packs back! 😛

With my slim built, the others were kidding that they were surprised I actually had something more to loose. 🙂

Blood Test Results (from 1st examination)

Blood Test Results (from 1st examination)

I myself was surprised. I thought I might have gained weight since even though I was taking C-Lium in the mornings. I was generally still carefree of what I eat during the day and just a bit conscientious of my carbohydrates intake at night.

To put it visually, here are some of my before and after photos.

'Before' and 'After' Photos

Before‘  (in Singapore King Crab) and ‘After‘  (in Legoland Malaysia) Photos

As per the insights I have gained in participating in this activity, blood results aside, I can truly say that C-Lium has improved my digestion and daily bowel movement.

With regards to continuing the ‘Lose More, Live More‘ with C-lium, I suggest you continue on this daily morning breakfast routine:

  • Take one sachet of Clium Fibre Husk daily (best time to take it is 30 minutes before breakfast)
  • Hydrate! Drink at least 10 glasses of water throughout the day (we are a tropical country, the 6-8 glasses work for the colder countries)
  • You may mix C-lium Fibre with your preferred beverage (water,juice, coffee etc.) and you should drink it immediately.
  • C-Lium Fibre Breakfast

    C-Lium Fibre Breakfast 

    Other drugs, medicines or vitamins are preferably taken in separate administration times from Clium Fibre.

  • Check out more C-Lium Fibre information at, Facebook, and Twitter

Thank you to C-Lium Fibre for accompanying us in this journey and to Medicard for making sure everything was going well from the inside. I hope this series of Live More-Lose More Journey was able to inspire at the very least, some of you, in living the healthier life while enjoying it as well!


Starting My Journey To A ‘Healthier Me’

NomNom stretching before the tests

NomNom stretching

People has been always telling us food bloggers how lucky we are to get invited by restaurants to try their food and get first dibs on the latest menu offerings. Then there’s food tasting all over the metro and trying on the newest flavors of ice cream released in the market (sometimes, even before they are out in the market).

But there’s also a downside – food blogging is fattening! We take on the sacrifice of accumulating all those calories just to review all those dishes for the readers’ benefit! 🙂

It’s good that genes gave me a naturally slim body to begin with, but age and frequent food escapades has been taking its toll on me and it has started to show on my belly and love-handles.

C-Lium Health Journal

C-Lium Health Journal

C-Lium Lose More Live More Challenge

C-Lium Lose More Live More Challenge

Although I have been regularly doing my personal exercises and stretching in the morning, it isn’t enough so I have long been wanting to have my jogging routine back for so long as I can remember. While that remains to be accomplished, I had resorted to doing something easier – joining the “Lose More Live More” challnege by C-Lium Fibre!

When C-Lium Fibre offered the opportunity to take on the challenge, I have resolved to act on my weight-problem-to-be before it’s way too late. I actually started a week ago and will be sharing some updates and developments on another blog post soon.

For now, let me share the free medical checkup care of C-Lium that I underwent at the Medicard Clinic in Makati a few days before I started taking C-Lium. I had the preliminary tests last July 26, 2012, to be exact.

Medical Tests @ Medicard Clinic in Makati

Medical Tests @ Medicard Clinic in Makati

Treadmill Stress Test

Treadmill Stress Test

I had my Body Mass Index (BMI), Cholesterol Screening, Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS), and Body Circumference Measurements. The more challenging part was the Treadmill Stress Test wherein the treadmill incline was increased every minute. I was able to last four minutes and a few seconds before I got exhausted and called on a halt.

MEDICard Philippines Test Results for NomNom

MEDICard Philippines Test Results for NomNom

C-Lium Lose More Live More Promo

C-Lium Lose More Live More Promo

It's a commitment to health!

It’s a commitment to health!

A few days after, and the results were out. Everything’s in normal levels except for my HDL which is just a bit below normal range.

I encourage you to take on the “C-Lium Fibre Lose More Live MoreChallenege at just as I did! Simply create an account to enjoy the benefits of looking young and living young with C-Lium Fibre. Check out my Twitter and FB updates with #CLIUMlosemore soon!